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However, the storm drove home a number of soldier boys who lived in the country, but 22 members signed the roll that day. Honor is given to all veterans and their memories on Memorial Day and Veterans Day by the Legion’s Post 4 and the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post of Hillsboro. White wooden crosses mark the graves of local veterans of all wars. The monument was erected at a cost of $78.51 and another $27.43 was added later for additional materials. Operating costs were held to a minimum, although the secretary-treasurer was granted annual increase in salary – $0 in 1972, to $00 in 1973 and to $000 in 1974. This was “to meet inflation,” Preboske said in the association’s financial report dated Jan. 1, 1975. Monthly meeting in the early years required payment of $2 each for a 90-cent meal. The difference joined other moneymaking specials, such as Dutch-treat banquets, picnics, horseshoe and dart tournament and football pools. Six of these past commanders of Post 2 went on to serve in the office of Department Commander and one, Lynn U. Stambaugh served The American Legion as our National Commander.

  • He served overseas in France from August 17, 1918 until his death on October 11, 1918.
  • Much of the good work for the community, state and nation carried out by Gilbert C. Grafton Post 2 was accomplished because of their leadership.
  • Proceeds from poppy sales are used to support programs for veterans’ rehabilitation.

He served overseas from September 25, 1918 until his death on October 17, 1918. In the mid-1970s, the post tried to build its own post home and bowling lanes but, due to lack of funds, the project did not materialize. The Legion and Auxiliary were instrumental in helping build the New Salem Swimming Pool. They conducted auction and rummage sales and had special basketball games to raise funds for the pool. In 1958, Post 89 was the recipient of the Special Certificate of the Most Distinguished Service for enrolling a 1958 membership by November 11, 1957 exceeding its total 1957 enrollment. In 1952, Post 89 was the recipient of the Honor Ribbon ’52 for enrolling a 1952 membership by December 31st, exceeding its total 1951 membership and the Special Certificate of the Most Distinguished Service. In 1947, Post 89 was the recipient of a seal to be attached to their Distinguished Service Citation having been awarded the in some year pervious to 1946.

Post 12 American Legion Baseball Program

The post’s marching unit has led the 4th of July Celebration in Sanborn every year. For the year 1988, Post 202 had a record high membership of 76. We increased that figure to a new all-time high of 79 members in 1989. This led to the publishing of Commander Calvin Lettenmaier’s name and Post 202 in The American Legion Magazine as a 100 percent commander. In the spring of 1923, a controversy over the charter name developed when application was being made for a permanent charter. The name of August Minnie, who also was killed during WW I in France, was proposed to be chosen along with George O. Barnick, the name certified on the post’s temporary charter. Since 1948, the Post 201 enrollment has exceeded the century mark.
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During the Post’s April 19 and July 27, 1995 general meetings, the Post elected to disband due to falling membership. Shortly thereafter, Post 289 disbanded and its charter was cancelled on May 5, 1966. The Pritchard-Farnam Post 248, originally Pritchard-Farnam Post 207, received its national organizational charter on February 23, 1921. Shortly thereafter Post 207 disbanded and its charter was cancelled on June 15, 1925. The Post reorganized in 1932 as Post 248 and received a new charter on April 2, 1932. Shortly thereafter Post 248 merged with Post 251 and its charter was cancelled on August 27, 1990. Past highlights include the Hands Across the Border program in 1976. Hosted by Noonan’s Canadian neighbor, Estevan, Saskatchewan, the two-day celebration in honor of the Bicentennial was viewed by 1,000 spectators from both sides of the border.

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In 1939, Post 89 was the recipient a Special Citation for Distinguished Service, issued by National Headquarters, in recognition of the outstanding membership work the Post accomplished for the new year. In 1937, Post 89 was the recipient of the Special Certificate of the Most Distinguished Service by National Headquarters for remarkable membership activity. In 1936, Post 89 was the recipient of the Special Certificate of the Most Distinguished Service by National Headquarters for remarkable membership activity. In https://cashnetusa.biz/ 1935, Post 89 was the recipient of a citation in recognition of its outstanding membership achievement the post accomplished during the past year. In 1933, Post 89 was the recipient of a citation in recognition of its excellent membership work the post accomplished during the past year. We have sent money for gifts at the North Dakota Veterans Home in Lisbon. When the Veterans Hospital at Fargo was completed in 1929, we sent rest pillows, tray covers and many pounds of silk stockings for patients to make rugs.

The Hay-Overbo Post 266 received its national organizational charter on April 15, 1946. The Melvin E. Bender Post 265 received its national organizational charter on March 4, 1946. The Oscar A. Krosch Post 264 received its national organizational charter on February 15, 1946. The Lilley-Dionne Post 262 received its national organizational charter on January 5, 1946. The post was granted its temporary charter December 15, 1945, by the National Legion Headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana. August 1994 marks the 47th anniversary of the permanent charter, issued August 1, 1947, to Almont Post 261, an American Legion post dedicated to post and community service and welfare. The Fiegel-Fischer Post 258 received its national organizational charter on October 15, 1945.
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He served in the Korean War and was killed in action on July 16, 1950. Henry A. Lovaas was born at Akeley, Minnesota on December 22, 1921. He entered the United States Army at Barnes County, North Dakota on June 19, 1942. He died in service at Luxembourg, Germany on September 29, 1944. He was buried at the Riverside Cemetery in Fargo, North Dakota. During the late ’30s, the pheasant population in Sargent County was plentiful and several of the post members decided to have a pheasant feed for the members and their wives in the fall. This tradition continued until the late 1940s when pheasants became scarce.

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In addition, gaming money has been distributed to the local health clinic, fire department, ambulance service and other worthy causes. Argonne Post 85 received its national organizational charter on November 5, 1919. The Person-Swenson Post 83, initially named the Nome Post 83, received its national organizational charter on October 30, 1919. The Post reorganized at the Peterson-Swenson Post 83 and received its subsequent national charter on September 28, 1949. The Schafer-Boye-Lange Post 69, initially the Flasher Post 69, received its national organizational charter on October 17, 1919. On October 29, 1920 the Post changed its name to the Tanner-Robinson Post 69. The Post reorganized and received its national organizational charter as the Schafer-Boye-Lange Post 69 on February 21, 1946. The Francis J. Harty Post 65, initially the Ernest Julius Erickson Post 65 in Regan, North Dakota, received its national organizational charter on October 8, 1919. The Post disbanded and its charter was cancelled on December 15, 1945. The Post reorganized as the Quentin C. Roosevelt Post 65 in Wing-Regan and received their second national organizational charter on December 26, 1945.

Due to the Legion being short of funds, it was decided to sell advance tickets and give a new car away at the carnival in September 1950. The results were very good and the post was able to pay all the debts incurred while continuing building. On September 22, 1943 area veterans gathered to organize an American Legion Installment Loans Halliday North Dakota Post in Douglas, North Dakota. The Douglas Post 255 received its national organizational charter on October 18, 1943. In the Consolidated Post Report for June 1, 1974 to May 31, 1975, a March 31, 1975, Post Commander Herman Boehmer, with seven Legionnaires remaining in Post 255, noted the Post would disband.

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